Newsboard- 04/12/2022


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Oliver Stansfield

Parish Website :  Facebook Page: Faughart Parish

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €321.50  Kilcurry €484.40

Brid-a-Chrin  €255.90   Faughart  €173.00   Non Envelope €490.00

REMEMBRACE MASS: There is a good number of candles left in St. Brigid’s Church if a family member could or if someone knows the family and would collect them. Many Thanks.

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF:  Jim McArdle, John Bergin, Ann O’Malley, Roseann (Kate) Duffy, and Finian O’Connor who died recently. May they rest in peace.

WELCOME INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Jack Thomas Rowland who was baptised recently.

PLEASE NOTE : mass on Saturday mornings at 10.30am will be held in the Parochial House and mass as normal on Sunday in St. Brigid’s.

THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER :Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

ADVENT: As we approach Advent, we will be asking families to come forward each week in all our churches, to light the Advent candles and read the introduction to the theme of the week. If you and your family would like to participate, please contact the parochial house or the Priests.

PONSETTIAS: In Remembrance of our loved ones this Christmas, you are welcome to leave one on the Altar of your Church.

BAMBINELLI  SUNDAY: Next Sunday of Advent (Bambinelli Sunday) families are invited to bring their baby Jesus from their crib to Mass with them to be blessed. The figurine can be brought home and wrapped in a gift box and placed under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning this is the first gift the family opens together. They then place the baby into the crib in their home.

FAUGHART SOCIAL CLUB : story telling with Seamus and Marie Flynn on Monday 5th December at 7.30pm

TEA, TODDLERS AND TALKING: You are invited to Kilcurry Community Centre for an hour of exactly what it says on the tin.

Friday 9th Dec 9am to 10am and Friday 16th Dec 9am to 10am. Bring yourself and your toddler.  We will bring tea/coffee etc. Looking forward to seeing you there.

ROCHE CHRISTMAS FUN RUN: Followed by Afternoon Tea, Sunday 11th December at Roche Club grounds. Registration for fun run at 2:45pm, starts at 3:00pm. Afterwards a luxury Afternoon Tea, with sandwiches and baked treats, Santa and lots of prizes.

SVDP – GIVING SUNDAY: Second Collection, Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th December in all churches. A member of SVDP will be coming to Mass and appealing for help to those who need in our communities.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


Seamus Watters (MM), Seamus Burns, Paddy, Rose and Brendan Duffy and Rose Cummins, Larry O’Hanlon and DFM of the O’Hanlon and Marmion families, Brigid & Pat Flynn.
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m.  
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Seamus McNamee (MM), Kevin McNamee (Ann), James & Mark Reilly, Paddy & Una Cunningham, Kathleen & Michael Marmion and DFM, Harry & Sinead Reilly, Eileen, James & Jim McEvoy, Joe McBride (Ann).
Sunday 10.00 a.m. Patrick & Mary Treanor and DFM
Friday  7.30 p.m. Noel Rice and DFM, Leo & Sadie Cumiskey and DFM.
Next Sunday  10.00 a.m.  
Saturday  6.00 p.m. John Mulligan
Sunday 12 noon Carmel Murray (MM), Peggy Dollard (Ann), Martina Agnew, Johnny Hughes
Monday  7.00 p.m.  
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m.  
Thursday 10:00 a.m. Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Tommy Kerley and DFM, Benny & Peggy McConnon, Freda Browne, Frank & Briedge Boyle (Anni), Gerry Lambe (Ann)
Sunday 12:00 noon Cyril & Phyllis Hoey and DFM, John & Stella Boyle & Janie Gaskin, Sam Keating (Ann), PatJoe McEvoy (MM).
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Anna & Peter Begley (Ann), Michael & Mary Murphy, Tommy Murphy, Martin & Eileen Molloy.
Next Saturday 7:30 pm Eaton Family, Mountpleasant