Newsboard – 30/04/2023


OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr. Oliver Stansfield

Deacon: George Kingsnorth

WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-  Castletown  €256.05   Kilcurry €525.92

Brid-a-Chrin  €284.36   Faughart  €152.80   Non Envelope €742.00

CONGRATULATIONS: to Aidan Kilkenny & Tracey McConnon who were married during the week.

FIRST FRIDAY CALLS: Next Friday. Please contact the Parochial house if you would like a visit.

TROCAIRE BOXES : Please return and thank you.

FAUGHART LOURDES COFFEE MORNING: Next Sunday we are having our coffee morning. The Resource Centre will be open from 9:00am, we appeal for your help with baking some of the goodies, lots of prizes in the raffle. Meeting on Tuesday night in Parochial House at 7:30pm.

COME AND LISTEN: You are warmly invited to come and listen to a series of talks that will be given after Easter in Eoin Baiste Primary School. They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays for two months. All welcome.

NATIONAL ROSARY  RALLY &  ARMAGH  DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE:  Saturday 3rd June. The Forkhill Parish Rosary groups have organised a bus to the above, departing from Forkhill Church grounds at 6.45am. The price is €60 cash which includes bus seat ,breakfast & 2 course evening dinner in the Longford Arms Hotel. Places are limited so seat is secured by payment.

TAX REBATE FORM: Over the next few weeks, we will be compiling the parish records. We ask you to take a form home, sign and enter your PPS number, and return to one of the priests, or to the Parochial House. Thanks.


CASTLETOWN NEW           Sunday 4th June at 7:30pm

CASTLETOWN OLD           Thursday 8th June at 7:30pm

KILCURRY                           Sunday 11th June at 7:30pm

KANE                                     Tuesday 13th June at 7:30pm

FAUGHART                          Thursday 15th June at 7:30pm

BRID-A-CHRIN                    Sunday 18th June at 7:30pm

URNAI                                   Tuesday 20th June at 7:30pm

SVP CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May.

TEA TODDLER TALKING (PARENT & TODDLER GROUP): Friday mornings 9am to 10:30am. We welcome all parents, grandparents with or without their toddlers. We intend to have messy play on Friday 5th May.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE: Departing from Dundalk, Wed. 21st – 28th June. Price €795 pps. Spiritual Director Fr. Paul Montague, Reaghstown Parish. For more information contact James on 087 2202173.


Sunday 11.00 a.m.


 Felix Loughran (MM), Joan Kinney (Ann), Sean Watters (1st Ann), Brigid & William Flanagan, Eddie Flynn, Seamus Reilly, Ian, Peter & Veronica McKenna, Brian Sloan, Bridget Agnes Whelan.
Next Sat. 10.30 a.m. Confirmation Day, No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. John & Molly Fitzgerald, Desmond & Kathleen O’Hare, Michael Murphy (Ann), James McDonnell (Ann), Betty Bergin (Ann)
Sunday 10.00 a.m. John Martin (MM), Jim Craven, Pat & Winnie Craven.
Friday  7.30 p.m. Hugh & Brigid Grant and DFM.
Next Sunday  10.00 .m. Bernard & Mary Callaghan.
Saturday  6.00 p.m. Fra Rafferty (Ann).
Sunday 12 noon  Sean & Mary Holland, Patrick & Rose Sherry, Lilly & Paddy Kirk, Stephen & Winnifred Conroy and DFM of the Conroy family, Seamus Connolly (3rd Ann).
Monday  7.00 p.m. NO MASS
Tuesday 10.00 a.m.  
Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Aidan O’ Donohoe (Ann)
Thursday 10:00 a.m.  
Friday 10.00 a.m.  
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m. Farrell & Thomas Scanlon, Philomena Scanlon.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. John McAreavey, Peadar Quinn, Castle Park (Ann), Stephen Begley (Ann).
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Jim Gribben (Ann), Peter & May Byrne and DFM, Helen Hughes and DFM.
Next Sat 7:30 pm Carmel McGeough (Ann).