Newsboard – 22/12/2019


Tel. 9334410 and 9333235

OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian  Fr.Bernard Hughes   


WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:-   Kilcurry: €478.50 Brid-a-Chrin €210.80 Castletown:     €236.05 Faughart: €162.00 Candelabra: €357.00 Non-Envelope Collection:   €645.00

WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE OF Sr. Brona Sloan, Kevin McNamee and Josie O’Rourke who died last week and David McCrudden who died during the week.  May they Rest in Peace

PRIEST COLLECTION  – Christmas collection the Clergy Fund is on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

POINSETTIAS  – In remembrance of our loved ones at Christmas time.  Please leave on the Altar of your church.

CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCE TREE  –  In St Brigid’s Church this year.  Please take a candle from the box and place it in the basket provided. The candles will be placed on the tree for you and lit on Christmas Eve and Christmas day masses in remembrance of our loved ones.  A small donation can be left in the candelabra if you wish.

THANK YOU  – To our choirs and musicians in the different churches, collectors, readers, sacristans, cleaners, Eucharistic Ministers, Volunteers who teach religion in Faughart Community National School, Finance Committee Members, Pastoral Council Members, Altar Servers, money-counters, newsboard team, people who deliver the parish envelopes and the Christmas Cards and we thank you for all your help throughout the year.  We wish you all and our Parishioners a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

GIVE THE GIFT OF A VISIT  – Christmas can be a lonely time for our elderly or people who are living alone.  Please give the gift of a visit this Christmas time and may be a friendship might form to carry into the New Year.

FAUGHART LOURDES COMMITTEE would like to thank each and every one out there for your support throughout 2019.  We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and healthy New Year – 2020. Bookings will be accepted in January for the Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Thursday, 7th to Tuesday, 12th May.


Masses for Tuesday, Christmas Eve

St Joseph’s, Fatima                 6.00 p.m.

Holy Rosary, Brid-a-Chrin 6.30 p.m.

Faughart Shrine 7.30 p.m.

St Brigid’s, Kilcurry                 8.00 p.m.

Masses for Wednesday, 25th December  – Christmas Day

Holy Rosary, Brid-a-Chrin 10.00 a.m.

St Brigid’s, Kilcurry                 11.00 a.m.

St Joseph’s, Fatima                 12.00 noon

We wish you all a Christmas and New Year of love, peace and Joy.

ROCHE EMMETS PRESENTS TV HITS  – We have a limited amount of tickets remaining for our fund raiser.  This is sure to be the event of the year in the parish to top off our fabulous football year.  Venue: Carrickdale Hotel Date: 29th December, 2019.  For tickets please contact any of the following:  Sinead Reilly 087 2660324; Mary McArdle 087 8356444;  Alan O’Connell 087 9290324; Adele Corcoran 087 9937799; Denise Murphy 086 3736097; Annmarie Watters 087 2301028   Remember these are the last few remaining tickets, to be sure to secure your tickets now.



Sunday 11.00 a.m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Matthew Finnegan (Month’s Mind);  Robert McKay and Deceased Family Members of the Dowdall family;  Lily and Joe Mullen; Tony and Paschal Mullen; Richard Goss; Rose Nash (Anniversary), Noel Nash;  Frank and Briege Boyle; Mary O’Donnell
Tuesday, Christmas Eve 8.00 p.m. People of the Parish
Wednesday, Christmas Day 11.00 a.m. Deceased of the Parish
Next Saturday 10.30 a.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 11.00 a.m. Arthur Muckian;  Kathleen and George Coburn;  Ben and May Marmion; Seamus, Kathleen, Terence and Thomas Burns;  Kathleen Dunne
Sunday 10.00 a.m.
Tuesday, Christmas Eve 6.30 p.m. People of the Parish
Wednesday, Christmas Day 10.00 a.m. Deceased of the Parish
Friday 7.30 p.m. No Mass
Next Sunday 10.00 a.m. Rita Martin
Saturday 6.00 p.m. Sam and Eileen Shields;  Margaret Bishop (Anniversary);  Rose and Richie Martin; Deceased Family Members of all the McNally Families;  Kevin and Julia Corrway
Sunday 12 noon Margaret and Geoffrey Thornton;  Patrick McGivern; Mary McAreavey;  Maria Bird
Monday 7.00 p.m. Benefactors of the Parish
Tuesday, Christmas Eve 6.00 p.m. Carmel Martin, Kitty Boland and Deceased Family Members
Wednesday, Christmas Day 12.00 noon People of the Parish
Thursday 10.00 a.m. No Mass
Friday 10.00 a.m. John and Anne Doran;  Clora McCourt
Next Saturday 6.00 p.m.  Martin Mulligan, Una Younger;  Margaret Kelly; Michael and Alice Farrell and Deceased Family Members;  Kitty Bowland; Clora McCourt (Birthday Remembrance)
Next Sunday 12 noon Pauline McGlade
Saturday   7.30 p.m. Susan Quinn and Deceased Family Members; Eoin Quinn; Carmel Muckian and Deceased Family Members
Tuesday, Christmas Eve   7.30 p.m. People of the Parish
Next Saturday   7.30 p.m. Donal Rogan and Deceased Family Members;  Brighid Whyte (2nd Anniversary)