NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €240.00 Kilcurry €453.00 Brid-a-Chrinn €216.70 Faughart €155.00 Non envelope collection €560.00 Donation for breakfast morning
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Kilcurry: €458.00 Brid-a-Chrin €227.44 Castletown: €409.00 Faughart: €142.00 Non-Envelope Collection: €535.00 Breakfast Morning Donation €25.00 Faughart Shrine: €492.00 and
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €270.70 Kilcurry €321.00
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes WEEKLY ENVELOPES: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €281.30 Kilcurry €522 Brid-a-Chrin €280.59 Faughart €180 Non Envelope Collection €780 WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Kilcurry: €307.00 Brid-a-Chrin €323.30 Castletown: €309.24 Faughart: €306.00 Non-Envelope Collection: €420.00 WELCOME into our Christian community Summer-Rose McDermott
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €302.75 Kilcurry €461.00 Brid-a-Chrin €238.50 Faughart €237.49 Non envelope collection €575.00 Fatima Graveyard €428.83 Fatima Candelabra €63.50 We Pray
Updates from Fr. Vinod Today Fr. Vinod walked from Ponferrara to Villafranca del Bierzo on today’s leg of his Camino walk. The weather was mixed with heavy showers in the afternoon. Below are some photos
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €345.60 Kilcurry €372.60 Brid-a-Chrinn €266.55 Faughart €234.20 Non envelope collection €647 Blessing of Graves 2019 Fatima (New) Sunday
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 9333235 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Bernard Hughes PARISH ENVELOPS; Your contribution last week towards upkeep of the Parish was:- Kilcurry €402.00 Castletown €239.00 Faughart €139.00 Brid-a-chrinn €248.00 Non Envelopes €511.00. Trocaire €2,717.00 FAUGHART LOURDES GROUP returned home
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €233 Kilcurry €906.41 Brid-a-Chrin €259.56 Faughart €116.38 Non Envelope Collection €760.00. Candleabra Castletown €95.00 WE PRAY
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Kilcurry: €461.00 Brid-a-Chrin €446.37 Castletown: €426.00 Faughart: €169.80 Non-Envelope Collection: €695.00 WE CONGRATULATE the children from Kilcurry and
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €369 Kilcurry €570 Brid-a-Chrinn €293 Faughart €157 Non envelope collection €962 Holy Land collection Good Friday €310 Priests collection
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel.9334410 and 9333235 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Bernard Hughes. PARISH ENVELOPS; Your contribution last week towards upkeep of the Parish was:- Kilcurry €412.00 Castletown €290.20 Faughart €249.40 Brid-a-Crinn €224.51 Non Envelope Collection €560.00. Candelabra Castletown €90. Flowers €195.35 We pray for
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €582.50 Kilcurry €407.20 Brid-a-Chrin €215.67 Faughart €253 Non Envelope Collection €510.00. Candleabra Faughart €205.00 WE PRAY FOR
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Kilcurry: €373.00 Brid-a-Chrin €204.51 Castletown: €235.90 Faughart: €247.80 Non-Envelope Collection: €700.00 WE PRAY FOR THE HAPPY REPOSE of
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €281.75 Kilcurry €428 Brid-a-Chrin €190.20 Faughart €283.60 Non envelope collection € 635 Welcome into our
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel.9334410 and 9333235 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Bernard Hughes. PARISH ENVELOPS; Your contribution last week towards upkeep of the Parish was:- Kilcurry €302.00 Castletown €308.00 Faughart €265.00 Brid-a-Crinn €200. Non Envelope Collection €470.00. Faughart Candelabra €230. Kilcurry Candelabra €221. We pray for
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €258 Kilcurry €503 Brid-a-Chrin €252.44 Faughart €151 Non Envelope Collection €730 BLESSINGS OF THE GRAVES –
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Kilcurry: €445.00 Brid-a-Chrin €319.60 Castletown: €225.93 Faughart: €138.00 Castletown Candelabra: €100.00 Non-Envelope Collection: €520.00 28TH DIVINE MERCY CONFERENCE IN
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €387.50 Kilcurry €367 Brid-a-Chrin €243.84 Faughart €199.80 Non envelope collection € 805 Welcome into our Christian Community Laragh Jessica
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €294.33 Kilcurry €341 Brid-a-Chrin €209 Faughart €190.40 Non envelope collection € 678 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday evenings
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €261.20 Kilcurry €370 Brid-a-Chrin €273.55 Faughart €205 Non Envelope Collection €635 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SCAREMENT will
Faughart Parish – Triduum in honour of St Brigid January, 30th 2019, Mass and blessing with the relic of St Brigid at 7.30 pm in the Shrine, Faughart. Celebrant: Fr Dermot Maloney PP January, 31st 2019, Mass and blessing with the relic of St Brigid at 7.30 pm in
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €606.72 Kilcurry €509.00 Brid-a-Chrin €366.00 Faughart €181.65 Non Envelope Collection €580.99 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will begin
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €257 Kilcurry €381 Brid-a-Chrinn €325.60 Faughart €195.60 Non Envelope Collection €585 Welcome into our Christian Community Tiarnan Alan
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €269.30 Kilcurry €360 Brid-a-Chrin €498 Faughart €113.50 Non envelope collection € 690 We pray for the happy repose
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €269.50 Kilcurry €466 Brid-a-Chrin €150.88 Faughart €263 Non envelope collection €435 Kerela Collection €75 Welcome into our Christian Community
NEWSBOARD FOR THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests: Fr, Vinod Kurian & Fr. Bernard Hughes Email – – Tel (042) 933 4410 and (042) 933 3225 WEEKLY COLLECTION towards the upkeep of the parish amounted to Kilcurry €467, Castletown €344, Brid a Chrin €199, Faughart €136, Non Envelopes
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €244 Kilcurry €355 Brid-a-Chrin €234 Faughart €130 Non envelope collection €618 Welcome Into our Christian Community Jack Owen
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €229.35 Kilcurry €437 Brid-a-Chrin €228.39
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel.9334410 and 9333235 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr. Bernard Hughes. PARISH ENVELOPS; Your contribution last week towards upkeep of the Parish was:- Kilcurry €390.00 Castletown €234.00 Faughart €190.00 Brid-a-chrin €240.00 Non Envelope Collection €380.00. Blessed Solanus Casey: Mass in Kilcurry Sun
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €287 Kilcurry €515 Brid-a-Chrin €211 Faughart €153 Non envelope collection €560 Welcome into our Christian Community Emily Rose Carey
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €320 Kilcurry €442 Brid-a-Chrin €313.50 Faughart €164.10 Non envelope collection €825 Priest Dues €2,140 Welcome into our
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. (042) 9334410 /9333235 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian & Fr. Bernard Hughes PARISH ENVELOPS; Your contribution last week towards upkeep of the Parish was:- Kilcurry €363.00 Castletown €278.00 Faughart €183.00 Brid-a-chrinn €249.00 Non Envelopes €535.00. Faughart Shrine Collection €320.00 Peters Pence €740.00
PARISH ENVELOPES – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of the Parish was: – Kilcurry €265, Castletown €249, Faughart €104, Brid-a-chrinn €277. Non envelope collection €330. Faughart Shrine collection €615, Peter’s pence €740 WELCOME Into our Christian Community: James Bernard Gartlan, Saoirse Hannah Roddy, Leo Rory Moynihan who were
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian & Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Tel: +35342 9334410 & +35342 9333235 CONTRIBUTIONS towards the upkeep of the parish amounted to: – Faughart €186.80, Kilcurry €478.00, Brid-A-Chrin €232.67, Castletown €425.80. Non envelope collection €537.00 NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE to St.
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €232 Kilcurry €398 Brid-a-Chrin €323 Faughart €210 Non envelope collection €474 Graveyard Collection €3,680 Trocaire
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €213.50 Kilcurry €419.00 Brid-a-Chrin €391.32 Faughart €141.00 Non envelope collection €603.00 Welcome into our Christian
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €353 Kilcurry €459 Brid-a-Chrin €256 Faughart €255 Non Envelope Collection €570.00 Candles €105.00 . A SECOND COLLECTION will
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €267.30 Kilcurry €409 Brid-a-Chrin €343.80 Faughart €196 Non Envelope Collection €595.00 WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – Adoration at St
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €256 Kilcurry €321 Brid-a-Chrinn €279 Faughart €135 Non Envelope Collection €620 We pray for the happy repose of
Dear brothers and sisters, When I wrote to you in January about protecting the Eighth Amendment, I encouraged you to be “missionaries for the cause of life”. I invited you to spread the word about the precious gift of life from the first moment of conception until the moment of
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €220.06 Kilcurry €383 Brid-a-Chrin €202 Faughart €414.70 Non envelope collection €473 We pray for the happy repose
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €270 Kilcurry €402 Brid-a-Chrin €300 Faughart €222 Non envelope collection €666 Priests Easter collection amounted to €2,575, towards
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €328 Kilcurry €546 Brid-a-Chrinn €324 Faughart €214 Non Envelope Collection €755 Priests Dues €2902 Faughart Lourdes Coffee
WEEKLY ENVELOPES – Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:- Castletown €235 Brid-a-Chrin €227 Kilcurry €507 Faughart €161 Non envelope Collection – €732 We pray for the happy repose of John Goss, May he rest in peace. Welcome to our Christian Community Shea Darren Watters and
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €323 Kilcurry
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €194 Kilcurry €305 Brid-a-Chrinn €239 Faughart €623 Non Envelope Collection €610 Fundraising:- Faughart Parish 3 week fundraising draw will
NEWSBOARD FOR THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian & Fr. Bernard Hughes Tel: 9334410 & 9333235 WEEKLY ENVELOPES – Your contributions towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was: Castletown €136. Brid-a-Chrinn €197. Kilcurry €295 Faughart €125 Non envelope Collection €428. 00. THANK YOU:
NEWSBOARD FOR THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian and Fr Bernard Hughes Email: Tel: 9334410 and 9333235 WEEKLY ENVELOPES – Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:- Castletown €608 Brid-a-Chrin €207 Kilcurry €385 Faughart €180 Non envelope Collection – €650
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 9334410 and 9333235 OUR PRIESTS: Fr. Vinod Kurian Fr.Bernard Hughes Weekly Envelopes: – Your contribution last week towards the upkeep of our Parish:- Castletown €208.70 Kilcurry €462 Brid-a-Chrinn €204.20 Faughart €127 Non Envelope Collection €560 We Pray for the happy
NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: / Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €247 Kilcurry €344 Brid-a-Chrin €447 Faughart €180 Non envelope collection €773 Faughart Shrine €725 Mass for