NEWSBOARD OF THE PARISH OF FAUGHART Tel. 042 9334410 Our Priests: Fr. Vinod Kurian. Fr. Bernard Hughes Email: / Weekly collection towards running and upkeep of the Parish was: Castletown €247 Kilcurry €344 Brid-a-Chrin €447 Faughart €180 Non envelope collection €773 Faughart Shrine €725 Mass for
WEEKLY ENVELOPES – Your contribution towards the upkeep of our Parish last week was:- Castletown €240 Brid-a-Chrin €174 Kilcurry €354 Faughart €161 Non envelope Collection – €580 FIRST FRIDAY – Next Friday. Anyone who would like a call please contact the Parochial House. WE PRAY for the happy repose of